Attitude and Customer Service - Defines customer service and customer satisfaction, the importance of customer loyalty and repeat business, knowing customer expectations and customer service essentials.
Attitude and Teamwork - This workshop opens with a physical exercise which demonstrates the importance of teamwork, problem solving and communication. Points covered are recognizing the common goal, when teamwork doesn’t work, and effective teambuilding strategies.
Attitude and Time Management - Identifies the biggest and most common “time wasters” and ways to use our time efficiently to be more productive. Suggests different tools and aids to use to help utilize our time more efficiently.
Building Self-Esteem for Effective Communication - Identifies ways to effectively communicate with others by first determining who you are and acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses. This workshop helps you determine your self image, how it was formed, and identifies ways to strengthen your self image for effective communication.
Dealing with the Challenges of Change in the Workplace - This workshop identifies the different reasons why change is necessary, and the challenges of dealing with change. It introduces the concept of “Soup” by Jon Gordon to promote a culture of greatness by “nourishing” your team.
Other Suggestions:
- Attitude and Excellence at Work
- Turning Complaints into Positive Energy
- Mastering the Three R's: Respect, Responsibility, Realization