Fett Bauchfett Loswerden
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01.0151.06874 Fett Bauchfett Loswerden
Welcome to "Make a Difference with
ATTITUDE", training to promote POSITIVE PRINCIPLES to change
your ATTITUDE and change your LIFE!
Facilitator: Mrs.
Maureen Borden Utsman, Certified Trainer
Maureen Borden
Utsman was born in Belize City, Belize. She graduated
from St. Catherine Academy and attained a Bachelor of Arts
Degree from Mount Mary College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
She taught at S.C.A. for a period of five years, then migrated
to Florida where she taught Adult Education for eighteen
years. During that time she became certified in Training
and Human Resource Development from Florida International
University, Miami, Fl. and also from The Academy for
Certifying Trainers for Broward County Public Schools, Fl. She
conducted Teacher Training Workshops for the Broward County
School System in Fl. where she lived for twenty-eight
years. After retiring in San Pedro, Ambergris
Caye, Belize, Mrs. Utsman soon realized the need for training,
not only in the service arena, but also and especially, the
need for a change in attitudes to promote personal and
professional growth and development. To this end, she
has developed a series of Workshops promoting an awareness of
the need for a change in attitudes and
behaviors. |